Night Traveler: Prophecy of the Elder follows musician Jake Whitman on a journey of discovery and adventure. After being fired from his only steady gig, Jake is lured down a dark dirt road by a ghostly apparition, causing him to wreck his motorcycle. Rescued by an elderly Native American, Jake is introduced to the origin of dreams, where four challenges will stand between destiny and destruction....
The concept of the Night Traveler series was conceived while creator R.E. Asbury was touring as a musician in support of PROPHECY, a CD whose cover art featured the very first appearance of the Night Traveler character. PROPHECY's visualization of the character was that of a '70s glam rock Night Traveler. The Night Traveler character will take various forms, existing in various locations, time periods, and cultures. Public response to the character was so intense that Asbury decided to create a back story to satisfy the interest. Originally intended as a single issue comic book, the story soon developed the necessity of a larger presentation. The Night Traveler multimedia adventure series is more than a comic book, an action novel, or a radio drama. It's an experience! In 2006 the Night Traveler adventure series was intruduced as a sequence of short multimedia teaser episodes. These experimental episodes were designed to help develop a new product line best suited for its full release.
Night Traveler: Prophecy of the Elder is currently being transformed into a fully animated feature presentation.